Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Seminar for First Years

LawTutors is offering a brand new program called “What Not to Do in Law School” to help new first years navigate how to most effectively study, use class time and prepare for exams.

The program will teach first year law students how to best spend their study time, how to outline, the pros and cons of study groups and commercial outlines, and how to prepare for and ace an exam!

The seminar will be taught by LawTutor’s President and Vice President, Tania Shah and Melissa Gill, and, like all LawTutor’s, seminars it will be interactive. The seminar will not be a full day of lecture, but rather Melissa and Tania offering advice and then giving you, the incoming law student, an opportunity to put that advice to use and practice and discuss what you just learned.

In addition, Tania and Melissa will be joined by other Attorney Instructors who will be offering advice and sharing stories. LawTutors will also have many of their current third year students and recent graduates on hand, so that incoming law students may ask questions and get to know law school from a student perspective, to help you along, and to network.

The program will take place on September 26th, from 10am to 5:15pm. Lunch and materials will be provided. Materials include “Strategies and Tactics for the First year,” “Law School In a Box,” “LawTutors’ Big Pictures, Little Essays,” “LawTutor’s Big Picture CDs,” as well as practice exams, outlines and charts that you will go over during the seminar.

The fee is $295, which includes the seminar, lunch and all materials.

Please contact the office at 617-738-4800 or email us at to sign up or for more information.

See LawTutor's website for a detailed schedule and more information

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