Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Read this book before you start law school

I'm serious. Pick up Nancy Rapoport's Law School Survival Manual. I can't recommend this book enough, it really does tell you all you need to know about your first year, and beyond, in a witty and easy to read way. In fact, as I read this book I kept thinking "I ALWAYS tell my students that, and they NEVER listen" - so pick up this book and LISTEN to Nancy, she knows what she's talking about, and you will benefit your first year by taking her advice.

I'll leave you with a blurb from the book, because it can not be stressed enough that, yes, you need to know EVERYTHING your professors say. Now click on the above link and buy the book!

“want to give a law professor an honest to goodness nervous tic? All you have to do is raise your hand in class and ask the question that didn’t seem to bother your lecturers in undergraduate classes; “Do I need to know this?”

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