Monday, July 14, 2008

New Bar Review Program, It's about time!

So I have discovered, and became a part of, a great new bar review program. Sure, I am a little biased since I am a part of it, but I have to say, it really is a great program. And, not only is it a great program, but it is completely unlike any other bar review program out there. Steven Emanuel, which you know because of all of his hornbooks, has decided to start a bar review, and man, is it awesome. Emanuel Bar Review.

How so, you might ask. Well, for starters, it is a two part program. The May session focuses on an intensive review of the subject matter you need for the MBE. Sure, plenty of review programs go through substantive material, but EBR does it in a way that focuses on what you REALLY need for the MBE. The materials are phenomenal, written by Steven Emanuel himself, with a real focus on how the MBE tests that material. These substantive reviews are followed by tutorials, with qualified tutors (such as myself and Tania!) who will go over anything you happened to miss in the earlier lectures, along with tips on how to tackle questions and how to spend your study time.

Then, in July you take a simulated exam, followed by two days of review of that exam. However, this differs because the reviews are conducted by topic and subtopic, not in the order of the exam. This way, you can compare and contrast the rules of law and the fact patterns.

We’ve gotten some feedback from students that took the May review:
“I think the tutoring aspect was really great and so novel! Also, the fact that the lectures weren't based around specific questions, but rather around topics frequently seen in bar exams was important too. Also, having the handouts to follow were great and allowed students to either listen without taking notes or taking notes while still being able to listen intently to the professor. So often when taking notes, the listening becomes more about trying to get all the words down and not about listening to the substance of the lecture, but with the handouts that was a non-issue!”
“It was excellent and I feel very prepared to go on throughout the summer to study and pass the bar. Each lecture was informative and the tutors made the course even better by further explaining and offering to stay in touch throughout the summer to answer other questions. The books are also well-written and I love my bag. I highly recommend this course and am grateful for it.”
“It’s a fast and efficient way to kick-start your studying for the MBE – I feel like I have a solid grasp of where I need to focus my studying over the next two months.”
not surface for air til after the bar. I think it freaked people out, and I also think it might be bad advice.”

So, it’s not too late as July sessions are still going on in CA and NY, and I’m telling you, these are going to pick up and you’ll soon see them in every state. I'm just very excited to be a part of it, and there are some really amazing people that are on board and committed to making EBR the best bar review program out there!

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