Saturday, July 12, 2008

What to do with 3 weeks left?

Well, you are about 2 1/2 weeks away from the bar – so how do you use our time effectively? That’s the question of the century. First of all, the key is to not freak out – remain calm and realize that you CAN do this. Seriously, confidence is key – confidence to not second guess your gut, confidence to know that after 3 or more years of legal education you CAN do this, confidence to know that if you do not at first succeed, you are in good company, and you will just try again.

But, on a practical legel, what CAN you do. Well, for starters, on the MBE you want to learn something from EVERY Single MBE question. If you don’t, there was no point in doing the question. None. What do I mean by this? Welll, take the question, and whether you get it right or wrong, REALLY understand why you got it right or wrong. Review the explanation in the back of the book, review your notes and really analyze why one answer is better than the other 3. Also, get used to reading carefully.

As for essays, ALWAYS write out your practice essays. Also, use your notes. By using your notes you are effectively studying the black letter law and memorizing it. However, rather than do this passively, you are also practicing your essay writing skills.

Above all else, just memorizing the black letter law is not enough. You need to learn how to apply it, and what t means. Practice makes perfect - cliche, but it's the truth.

Good Luck!

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